An invaluable tool for radiology, cardiology and various other departments throughout the enterprise, PACS is now in hot demand in the OR as well. The speedy — and spontaneous — access to any and all patient images during a surgical procedure is a key lure for bringing PACS into the OR, one of the last destinations for PACS technology.

Where are the synergies of bringing together Elekta and IMPAC?

Digital imaging is conquering one of the last digital
frontiers in healthcare — breast screening and diagnosis. The digital platform will boost screening for breast cancer to heightened levels of accuracy and efficiency as tools such as CAD, tomosynthesis, MRI, MRS and optical imaging
facilitate and enhance early-detection, precise diagnosis and breast cancer management.
The Last Digital Frontier

Radiology is currently experiencing a very volatile state, as advancements in device technology are creating a new landscape of competition. Information technology (IT) and equipment are expanding the reach of the radiologists to new therapeutic techniques.
As technologies such as enterprise-wide connectivity and molecular medicine merge, and the role of radiology overlaps with other medical domains, the medical imaging industry follows suit, and is rapidly consolidating.

An integrated RIS/PACS, clinical applications and enterprise-wide access to the electronic health record (EHR) promise to increase a radiologist’s productivity and enhance efficiency by automating radiology workflow. Information technology (IT) is also viewed as one of several answers to the continued radiologist shortage. However, many facilities have yet to realize the full potential of IT as the result of not fully addressing workflow changes when a facility moves from a film-based to a digital environment, and consequently have not seen a positive effect on radiology workflow.

Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH), Canada’s preeminent radiation therapy treatment facility, annually treats more than 10,000 new patients and serves 190,000 outpatients. Long in the vanguard of looking to technology both to assist in cancer treatment and manage its business operations, PMH has since 1995 relied on IMPAC software products for the flexibility and control they provide in managing the clinical radiation oncology process. “Over the past few years, use of the IMPAC system has also allowed PMH to become filmless and paperless.

With all new technologies come new challenges. As imaging has evolved within the pathology domain from analog to digital, causing radiology and pathology imaging to crossover, the devices that generate the digital images pose several challenges.

With the rush to convert to digital, we sometimes forget the big picture, including what comes next. This begs the question, what will happen when PACS is the incumbent? We posed this question to a team of experts to see from their perspective how IT is transforming healthcare.

In President Bush’s last State of the Union address, he called for “most Americans to have an electronic health record (EHR) within the next 10 years.” Over the past year, the healthcare industry has been encouraged by an outpouring of congressional support for the computerization of health information. However, a bipartisan legislation to fulfill this promise has yet to be passed.

How is NeuroLogica upholding its conviction that all people, regardless of where they live, should have access to high-quality medical imaging?

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