
Targeted biopsy using new fusion technology that combines magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with ultrasound is more effective than standard biopsy in detecting high-risk prostate cancer, according to a large-scale study published today in JAMA.

Time February 03, 2015

DR Systems was recently named one of the largest vendors of electronic health record (EHR) systems in the United States by Modern Healthcare, a healthcare research and media company.

Time February 03, 2015

Time Magazine cast a spotlight on the dramatic impact of digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) in detecting cancers (particularly in women with dense breasts) in its article entitled “11 Remarkable Health Advances from 2014.”

Time February 02, 2015

A novel radioguided surgery technique could quickly and effectively identify residual cancer cells during brain tumor surgery, with low radiation exposure for both patients and surgeons. The study, featured in the January 2015 issue of The Journal of Nuclear Medicine, reports that Y-90 DOTATOC, a beta-minus–emitting tracer, can effectively delineate the margins of meningiomas and high-grade gliomas.

Time February 02, 2015

Tantrums, irritability, self-injury, depression, anxiety are symptoms associated with autism, but they're not considered core symptoms of the disorder. Researchers from the University of North Carolina (UNC) School of Medicine are challenging this assertion. They have used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to show that when it comes to the ability to regulate emotions, brain activity in autistic people is significantly different than brain activity in people without autism.

Time February 02, 2015

Some older women with breast cancer could safely avoid radiotherapy, without harming their chances of survival, a study has shown.

Time February 02, 2015

Viztek announced 20 percent year-over-year increase in software sales for the 2013-2014 calendar year.

Time February 02, 2015

To help improve breast cancer screening for the 40 percent of American women with dense breasts, Volpara Solutions announced it has signed an agreement enabling GE Healthcare to distribute VolparaDensity, VolparaAnalytics and VolparaDoseRT.

Time February 02, 2015

A new breast imaging technique pioneered at Mayo Clinic nearly quadruples detection rates of invasive breast cancers in women with dense breast tissue, according to the results of a major study published in the American Journal of Roentgenology.

Time January 30, 2015

Siemens Healthcare announced that a two-detector version of its established Multix Fusion digital radiography (DR) system has received 510(k) clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and is now available in the United States.

Time January 30, 2015

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved for human evaluation a nanoparticle-based imaging agent jointly developed at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and the University of California, Santa Barbara, in collaboration with Texas A&M University.

Time January 30, 2015

Lantheus Medical Imaging Inc. announced an agreement with the Institute for Radioelements (IRE) for the future supply of Xenon Xe 133 Gas (Xenon 133).

Time January 30, 2015

TeraMedica Inc. earned a KLAS Category Leader award from KLAS Research.

Time January 30, 2015

The consolidation comprises the Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Princess Margaret Hospital and the new Children's Hospital.

Time January 30, 2015
Feature | Greg Freiherr

The sale and use of CT scanners could ramp up this year, thanks at least in part to lung cancer screening. Low-dose computed tomography (CT) screening programs are popping up from coast to coast. The feds are picking up the tab for Medicare patients. And, while third-party payers have not been so forthcoming, the cost of a screening exam is within many peoples’ reach.

Time January 30, 2015
Feature | Jeff Zagoudis

The U.S. healthcare industry was rocketed into the 21st century with the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010. The legislation and its focus on reducing healthcare costs while expanding insurance coverage has generated a great deal of controversy in the four years since, and an expert panel in a special session at the 2014 Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) meeting warned radiologists to brace themselves for more changes in 2015.

Time January 30, 2015
Feature | Hjalmer Danielson

Having been active in the age of transformation which manufacturing, retail, finance, high-tech, oil and gas all experienced in the late 1980s and into the 1990s, I realized that healthcare would have its date with enterprise-wide change. Healthcare as an industry has existed for too long in an environment of stasis. Now with the rapid pace of technology, competition and exorbitant costs, it is evident to the patient, the competition, the government and the rest of the world that it must adapt to survive. Medical imaging is a profit center for most healthcare providers and has historically been the hotbed for technology advancement and innovation.

Time January 30, 2015
Feature | Lynn Tangorra

A new era of telehealth has arrived. According to HIMSS Analytics 3rd Annual Mobile Survey, 83 percent of physicians use mobile technology to provide care. Because doctors are so mobile, patient information has to be mobile as well. The goal of telehealth is to eliminate geographic constraints and deliver quality patient care at any time, in any location.1 Many healthcare providers have shown an increasing interest in telehealth because of the benefits it can provide, among them, greater access to patient data and images, lower costs and higher quality of care. Offerings of telehealth include consumer online access to providers for diagnosis and treatment of common ailments, real-time video-based virtual consults between providers and patients, in-home monitoring of chronically ill patients, and primary care physicians’ access to specialists for consultation and diagnosis.

Time January 30, 2015
Feature | Dave Fornell

Imaging is pivotal for detection, staging and evaluation of tumor response to treatment. It is instrumental in determining which treatment is best suited to a patient and may be used to help guide surgery and radiation therapy. With chemotherapy, follow-up imaging exams are used to track tumor response and determine if different drugs should be used.

Time January 30, 2015
Feature | Dave Fornell

Angiographic imaging system vendors have developed several new technologies to address emerging cath lab trends, including the need to reduce radiation dose, improve image quality and enable advanced procedural image guidance. All three of these points have become increasingly important as more complex procedures are attempted in interventional labs and hybrid ORs. These procedures include embolic coiling, neuro-interventions, thrombectomy, aortic repair, transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), mitral clip valve repairs, left atrial appendage (LAA) occlusions, atrial and ventricular septal defect closures, and new interventions for both electrophysiology (EP) and heart failure.

Time January 30, 2015
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