Philips announced it has received 510(k) clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to market the DigitalDiagnost C90, its newest premium digital radiography (DR) system. Designed to increase patient throughput and decrease the time to diagnosis, the Philips DigitalDiagnost C90 offers healthcare organizations a flexible and customizable imaging solution that helps to improve workflow and clinical outcomes, while adding economic value.

In a just-published Journal of Biomechanics article, the researchers proved a longtime assumption about individuals' right and left wrists, while also finding differences between wrists of males and females. These discoveries could help inform and guide future treatments.

February 19, 2019 — Researchers at the University of Michigan recently searched for new brain tumor treatments by exploring the reasons why some patients with gliomas live remarkably longer than others. Results from the study using mice suggested that certain patients’ tumor cells are less aggressive and much better at repairing DNA than others, but are difficult to kill with radiation.

As part of a federal spending bill passed late Friday, Congress directed the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to establish a national minimum standard for including fibroglandular breast density information on mammography reports. While 36 states have already enacted their own breast density inform legislation, the federal version will ensure that every state takes a minimum level of action on making patients aware of the increased breast cancer risk associated with dense breasts.

February 18, 2019 — Mirada Medical Ltd announced U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 510(k) clearance for Simplicit90Y. Designed in collaboration with BTG to facilitate personalized treatment for patients with liver cancer, Simplicit90Y is an easy-to-use dosimetry software developed for accelerating dosimetry planning and improving Y90 transarterial radioembolization (TARE) workflow.

Philips announced the launch of Philips Zenition, its new mobile C-arm imaging platform. Mobile C-arms are X-ray systems that are brought into the operating room (OR) to provide live image guidance during a wide range of surgeries including orthopedic, trauma and vascular procedures. The Zenition mobile C-arm platform brings together innovations in image capture, image processing, ease-of-use and versatility pioneered on Philips’ Azurion platform. Zenition allows hospitals to maximize OR performance, enhance their clinical capabilities and offer their staff a high-quality user experience. Zenition will be introduced in the U.S., Germany, Austria and Switzerland in the first half of 2019, and will subsequently be rolled out in further markets.

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