Smart software improved the performance of resident radiologists to the level of academic experts in neuroradiology, according to research presented at the 2019 meeting of the Society of Imaging Informatics in Medicine (SIIM). Even on its own, the automated system, called ARIES (Adaptive Radiology Interpretive Education System), outperformed groups of radiologists who are not experts in neurology.

Philips recently announced new advanced automation capabilities on its Epiq CVx and Epiq CVxi cardiac ultrasound systems. With Release 5.0, both systems now include automated applications for 2-D assessment of the heart, as well as robust 3-D right ventricle volume and ejection fraction measurements, making accurate exams faster and easier to conduct.1 Together, the new applications provide clinicians with the means to confidently evaluate the heart’s function, increasing diagnostic confidence for patients with pulmonary hypertension, congenital heart disease, coronary disease and heart failure.

July 2, 2019 — Laurel Bridge Software announced an expanded relationship with 3M M*Modal, a provider of clinical documentation solutions. The partnership will facilitate the automated capture and incorporation of DICOM Structured Report (SR) data into the M*Modal Fluency for Imaging reporting solution. Laurel Bridge Software's Compass Dictation Integration option is now available to M*Modal Fluency for Imaging clients.

RaySearch announced the release of RayStation 9A, the latest version of its radiation therapy treatment planning system (TPS). RayStation 9A holds several improvements, supports additional machines and treatment techniques, as well as enhancements in the integration with the next-generation oncology information system (OIS) RayCare.

DiA Imaging Analysis has partnered with Konica Minolta Healthcare Americas Inc. to expand analysis capabilities of Konica Minolta's Exa Cardio PACS platform (cardiovascular information system) with DiA's LVivo Toolbox for cardiac analysis.

As we strive to process today’s successive news cycles involving negative reports about immigration, it is easy for many to assume that international physicians are a new phenomenon in the United States ― and a problematic one at that. Predictions of a physician shortage are now mainstream news. The immigration debate in recent years has heightened awareness of the individuals who enter our country and their reasons for coming here.

Quality care matters deeply to CarolinaEast Health System, an award-winning health system in New Bern, N.C. Yet managing the complexity and cost of care was becoming increasingly challenging given the volume of disparate data housed in many, often incompatible, systems. While securely acquiring, assessing, sharing and storing patient imaging data has always been paramount to CarolinaEast, the method for doing so was complicated and varied widely among its multiple locations.

Mobile technology has become an intrinsic part of everyday life, with the vast majority of people owning smartphones, tablets or both. This has changed the way life is conducted, even the way people receive healthcare. According to healthcare data analysis firm IQVIA, there are some 318,000 mobile health (mHealth) apps available in major app stores, with another 200 being added every day.

Three-dimensional (3-D) printing and augmented reality (AR) are two of the more exciting technologies being explored in radiology today. In their own way, each technology gives form and depth to medical imaging data, offering a new perspective for physicians and patients. Early explorations have promised new ways to plan surgical and interventional procedures, and new methods to help patients understand what care is being delivered and how.

Bracco Imaging S.p.A. has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Blue Earth Diagnostics, a molecular imaging company based in Oxford, U.K. Subject to customary closing conditions, completion of the transaction is expected in the third quarter of this calendar year.

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