May 14, 2007 - The annual TEPR Conference and Exhibition will feature a session on the ELINCS-HL7, a new messaging specification recently classified as an HL7 standard that is intended to increase the value of electronic lab data, May 19-23 in Dallas, TX.
The ELINCS-HL7 specification provides a level of detail and specificity that is reportedly greater than existing national standards and can advance ambulatory lab interfacing closer to plug-and-play interoperability. The Certification Commission for Health Information Technology (CCHIT) plans to use a specification with this level of detail to certify lab interoperability for ambulatory EHRs.
The speakers will discuss the features and benefits of the ELINCS-HL7 specification, its role within national data-standardization and product-certification initiatives and the work remaining to achieve full plug-and-play interoperability for ambulatory lab data.