June 13, 2008 - Siemens will feature its newest technology, HD-PET, as well as new features in SPECT imaging and imaging biomarker developments, at SNM 2008.
The HD PET, a technology that is designed to deliver superior detection of small lesions, works to provide dramatically greater staging capabilities and therapy accuracy.
True V extended field-of-view (FOV) technology in HD PET reportedly improves 2 mm of resolution to clearly visualize the smallest of lesions from the center to the edges. It provides twice the signal-to-noise improvement and near uniform spatial resolution throughout the FOV. HD PET incorporates millions of point spread functions (PSFs) in the reconstruction algorithms. Using measured PSFs, HD PET effectively positions the line of response in their actual geometric location, which dramatically reduces blurring and distortion in the final image.
For more information: www.usa.siemens.com/medical