To help readers find the specific technology they are looking for out of the 700 vendors on the vast expo floor at the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) meeting Nov. 27 - Dec. 2, ITN has created the RSNA FastPass microsite ( Every day leading up to RSNA, during the event and in the weeks following RSNA, ITN staff will be adding new products vendors are featuring. Visitors to the FastPass site can conduct searches by modality or technology type, and each section lists vendors in alphabetical order. Each product lists the vendor booth locations and links to information about the technology on the ITN website.
The site contains hundreds of product listings and serves as an archive product reference source for the next year as to what vendors felt was important to address todays issues in and trends in radiology at RSNA 2016. The site also contains a list of key RSNA sessions for each modality area and enables users to create a schedule of sessions and booths to visit.