The BiPAP Auto combines auto adjusting pressure delivery with breath-by-breath pressure relief of Bi-Flex. Developed from the REMstar Auto, the BiPAP Auto features a proactive, multilevel algorithm that analyzes several parameters to monitor and respond to a patient’s breathing.
A key parameter is flow limitation (a common early indication of complete obstruction). The auto algorithm performs two types of tests (Pcritical and Poptimal) that allow the pressure to be maintained at a level at which obstruction is not likely to occur but is not unnecessarily high, boosting patient comfort.
This ongoing search of Pcrit and Popt levels allows for therapeutic effectiveness at low pressures without creating any spikes in pressure or patient arousals.
While the algorithm is performing its proactive tests, it is also monitoring the patient’s breathing patterns for occurrences of obstructive events such as snore, hypopnea or apnea. If a snore or apnea is detected, the algorithm will raise EPAP to eliminate the event. If a hypopnea is detected, the algorithm will raise IPAP to eliminate the event. The algorithm can also detect and respond to the presence of elevated leak by lowering IPAP levels to improve mask seal.
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