ScImage’s Web server based Enterprise PACS, PicomEnterprise, employs a single database to organize, categorize, store and distribute exam specific information from multiple departments. This data can be in the form of DICOM and non-DICOM images, clinical reporting, physician dictation, ECG waveforms and even jpeg photos or mpeg videos. PicomEnterprise supports IHE workflow profiles for radiology, cardiac cath and echocardiography and integrates with existing information systems to reduce data entry errors.
PicomEnterprise also delivers exam specific visualization tools to the local PC, whether reviewing ECGs, echocardiography studies, cardiac cath procedures, multislice CT, PET/CT, MRI or chest films. The company also offers an offsite disaster recovery, business continuity and telemedicine solution called PicomOnline and a pay-as-you-go PACS solution called OnDemand TelePACS.