January 19, 2016 — Mississippi has joined the group of states contemplating a breast density inform law following the introduction of a bill Feb. 5 in the state House.
HB 126, as the bill is designated, was introduced by Rep. Sonya Williams-Barnes (D-Harrison) and covers numerous aspects of breast cancer care. In regards to breast density, it would require physicians issuing mammography reports that demonstrate dense fibroglandular breast tissue to notify patients of potential problems associated with dense breast tissue.
If the measure receives a majority vote in both chambers, it would become effective July 1. This would make Mississippi the 25th state to enact such a measure.
Mississippi is the third state to introduce a breast density inform bill in 2016, following similar actions by Vermont and New Hampshire in January. In total, 11 states are currently debating breast density inform laws.
For more information: www.densebreast-info.org