News | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) | November 17, 2022

Enhanced offering gives hospitals flexibility to automate scan sequences from leading vendors into one scan protocol

Enhanced offering gives hospitals flexibility to automate scan sequences from leading vendors into one scan protocol

November 17, 2022 — HeartVista, a pioneer in AI-assisted MRI solutions, and Siemens Healthineers, a global leader in magnetic resonance (MR), today announced that they have entered a joint commercial agreement to co-market an integrated offering that brings best-in-class MRI scan sequences into one automated exam protocol. This new product offering will allow customers to combine HeartVista's built-in sequences and Siemens Healthineers' native sequences, to their individual clinical practices.

HeartVista's AI-guided acquisition software, which shortens cardiac MRI (CMR) exam times, simplifies workflows and improves image consistency, previously received FDA 510(k) clearance for use with Siemens Healthineers MRI scanners. The companies have now advanced the software to comingle sequences from multiple sources using Access-i, a Siemens Healthineers software interface that allows third-party device integration with Siemens scanners.

HeartVista's mission is to make MRI available to everyone. Historically in the U.S., hospitals have largely underutilized CMRs, because they are often complex to perform, tie up scanners for lengthy periods, and the vast majority of clinicians are not trained to conduct them. With HeartVista's One Click MRI acquisition software, any radiology technologist can perform a CMR, helping ensure that patients anywhere in the country can benefit.

"HeartVista's mission is to make MRI available to everyone. Despite its clear benefits, the previous version of our software forced customers to choose between HeartVista's automated sequences and manual ones that may be more familiar. On that basis alone, we restricted access to the broader market in direct conflict with our mission" said Itamar Kandel, CEO. "Working closely with Siemens Healthineers and implementing the Access-i interface, we have removed a key barrier to market adoption."

CMR is a Class I, front-line test for the diagnosis of chest pain under guidelines from American Heart Association (AHA) and the American College of Cardiology (ACC). The test is considered the "gold-standard of cardiac diagnostics" due to its recommended use in the evaluation of all major heart conditions such as ischemic, valvular, myocardial, pericardial and aortic diseases. CMRs are also noninvasive and can be performed without subjecting patients to low levels of radiation.

"HeartVista's AI-driven acquisition software is a valuable complement to our MRI scanners and library of scan sequences," said Peter Gall, PhD, Vice President, Magnetic Resonance, Portfolio, Partners & Digital at Siemens Healthineers. "With this robust, integrated offering, hospitals can easily select the scan method that work best for them."

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