June 11, 2007 – “Beyond the DRA: Strategies for Growth & Success”, hosted by GE Healthcare, will be held July 26-27th in Arlington, VA. GE’s second annual Outpatient Imaging Center Conference is aimed at helping imaging centers thrive in a new challenging business environment, and will consist of seminars, educational events and Web casts. According to GE, attendees will receive timely information on effective marketing, managing growth, maintaining a fiscally sound operation, efficient staffing and operations and planning for the future.
Industry leadership insight and projections for the future will be shared by over 200 leading OIC executives. Keynote speakers include: former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, Healthcare Consultant Nancy Ann DeParle, Michael Silver, Ph.D., and Regina Herzlinger, Ph.D.
For more information: www.gehealthcare.com/registration