The IMPAX MA3000 Diagnostic Station reportedly improves mammography workflow through multimodality breast imaging displays. The station is DICOM compliant and supports rapid and simultaneous display of multimodality images. It incorporates a data management system that automatically routes relevant data (e.g. DR mammography, breast MRI, ultrasound) based on a variety of user-definable criteria including modality, patient and referring physician. Relevant prior exams can be pre-fetched from the archive management system and sent automatically to the IMPAX MA3000 station. Radiology results from the RIS can be displayed simultaneously when available.
Using the IMPAX MA3000 Diagnostic Station, previous studies can be compared side-by-side to current study images. Preferences for the display, review and comparison of images can be defined per user and per modality and can result in greater flexibility for the radiologist during review sessions and more effective support for both dedicated screening facilities and comprehensive breast imaging centers.