June 21, 2023 — Esaote North America, Inc. has been awarded a national group purchasing agreement in the MRI Ancillary Equipment and Coils category with Premier, Inc. Effective June 1, the new agreement allows Premier members, at their discretion, to take advantage of special pricing and terms pre-negotiated by Premier for the O-scan Dedicated extremity MRI system.
The Esaote O-scan series is completely cryogen-free and engineered to operate as a standalone unit or as a complement to an existing imaging suite, thereby providing increased throughput to help mitigate the scheduling challenges and patient backlogs impacting radiology departments today.
"Compared to conventional scanners, the O-scan has a compact footprint that can fit into almost any clinical setting and a comfortable, open-concept design that is ideal for scanning children and claustrophobic patients," says Stephen Gibbs, Marketing and Sales Manager at Esaote North America, Inc.
"The O-scan is a high-impact, low-power consumption solution, poised to take on complex workflow challenges without compromising image quality or productivity," says Robert Lewis, President and General Manager at Esaote North America, Inc.
Esaote is internationally recognized for its Dedicated MRI systems, ultrasound point-of-care, and Healthcare IT workflow solutions. Esaote's founding philosophies continue to push the technological boundaries of the medical device industry, delivering cost-effective and eco-friendly diagnostic imaging solutions to meet customer demands worldwide.
Premier is a leading healthcare improvement company, uniting an alliance of approximately 4,400 U.S. hospitals and 250,000 other providers to transform healthcare. With integrated data and analytics, collaboratives, supply chain solutions, consulting, and other services, Premier enables better care and outcomes at a lower cost.
For more information: www.esaote.com