July 27, 2007 - Internationally Recruited Nurses: Creating Positive Practice Environments is the topic of a conference being sponsored by the International Centre on Nurse Migration and the American Nurses Association Aug. 3 to 7 in Chicago, Ill.
The conference will serve to provide a better understanding of the immigration process and the strategies that create a positive work environment and facilitate the successful integration of internationally recruited nurses into the healthcare team.
Featured speakers include Peter I. Buerhaus and Lawrence J. Needle. Ramon Lavandero, AACN's director of Development and Strategic Alliances, will also present.
The conference will help attendees Understand the immigration process and strategies that create a positive work environment for internationally recruited nurses by exploring legal and regulatory processes for recruitment and utilization of foreign educated nurses in the U.S. It will also describe positive work environment strategies and positive methods to integrate international recruited nurses into work and the health care team.
Internationally Recruited Nurses: Creating Positive Practice Environments will be beneficial for nurse leaders, executives and managers, nurse educators and researchers, continuing education faculty, human resources personnel, preceptors/mentors and lawyers.
For more information: www.intlnursemigration.org