August 13, 2012 — Bayland Digital Inc. is a free medical scanning service that converts film X-rays into digital format and then recycles the old X-rays.
"Patients are pleased because they can instantly receive high-quality, digital images of their older X-rays, and healthcare professionals can provide these digital scans while simultaneously cutting traditional archive-associated costs,” said Rudy NematZadeh, founder of Bayland Digital. “Our no-cost service is earth-friendly. When X-rays are left to decompose in landfills, they are actually quite toxic, and so we're trying to prevent that from happening through our complimentary recycling efforts."
Bayland Digital specializes in scanning film such as X-rays, computed tomography (CT) images, ultrasounds, magnetic resonance images (MRI), mammograms and more. Once scanned, the images are converted into a fully searchable DICOM (digital imaging and communications in medicine) format, which enables compatibility with picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) and electronic medical record (EMR) systems. Bayland Digital, which can complete the entire conversion process on-site at no charge, will then recycle the original films.
Bayland Digital adheres to HIPAA's stringent privacy policies and ensures an error-free, secure transfer process. The company also has a rigorous regimen for verifying digitized X-rays — each patient's name and/or identification number is confirmed three separate times. Only then are scanned digital files safely stored on either the client's server or on a provided complimentary server.
"Everything we're doing is part of an effort to support the conversion from analog to digital while reducing needless expenditures for our clients, their patients and everyone else," said Ash Attar, Bayland Digital co-founder. "Our solution eliminates the need for film storage, retrieval service fees, per-scan costs and more."
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