Anthro Corp. announced a new member to the Elevate Electric Lift Table family, the Elevate Corner, a workstation ideal for Picture Archiving and Communications Systems (PACS), utilizing corner spaces, as well as acting as an L-shaped configuration.
The shelf height is easily adjusted with the touch of a button to provide maximum comfort designed to enhance productivity in intense work environments. The L-shaped surface is 72 inches wide by 29 inches deep on each side, with ample space for a person to sit comfortably facing the corner. The entire work surface can reportedly house six or more flat panel monitors. With a touch to the electric keypad, the Corner surface electrically raises and lowers with a range as low as 27 inches and up to 53 inches high.
The silver-colored frame is composed of heavy gauge steel, with triple telescoping electrical leg assemblies that are UL tested and approved. Cables from equipment can be routed through grommets provided in the corner of the work surface and then guided through the cable trough, which comes standard on each table. If the Elevate Corner is used for PACS applications, the transformers for the PACs monitors fit perfectly inside the cable trough so they’re hidden and out of the way.