Feature | Radiopharmaceuticals and Tracers

December 26 , 2012 — Congress last week affirmed its dedication to securing a sustainable, domestic supply of molybdenum-99 (Mo-99) as it passed the American Medical Isotope Production Act of 2011 (S.99). The bill, sponsored Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.), chair of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, and Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Ark), was passed out of the Senate by Unanimous Consent and referred to the House Subcommittee on Energy and Environment. S.99 was included in the Conference Agreement for the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2013. The president is expected to sign the final legislation.

Time December 26, 2012

At RSNA 2012, GE Healthcare focused attention on next-generation products and solutions in its computed tomography (CT) and Advantage Workstation (AW) businesses with the announcement of three scanners now available — the Optima CT660 FREEdom Edition, the Optima CT540 and the Discovery CT750 HD FREEdom Edition.

Time December 24, 2012

GE Healthcare introduced an expansion of the line of Caring Magnetic Resonance (MR) Suites, built by PDC, that now includes designs specific to GE’s Extremity Optima 430s MR scanner.

Time December 21, 2012

For men undergoing proton therapy for prostate cancer, fewer treatments with higher doses appear to be well tolerated, according to early clinical trial results. The trial, which continues to enroll patients, is evaluating using only 5 proton treatments given over 2 weeks for patients with low risk prostate cancer, a fraction of the 44 treatments typical in an 8-week standard course of therapy.

Time December 21, 2012

December 21, 2012 — Vacancy rates for radiation therapists declined in 2012, according to the American Society of Radiologic Technologists’ (ASRT) 2012 Radiation Therapy Staffing & Workplace Survey.

Time December 21, 2012

December 21, 2012 — At RSNA 2012 in November, GE Healthcare introduced two new 1.5T MR (magnetic resonance) systems: Optima MR360 Advance and Brivo MR355 Inspire. Both are intended to address the demand for increased patient comfort, increased productivity and reduced total cost of ownership under the GE guiding principle of “Humanizing MR.”

Time December 21, 2012
Videos | Radiology Imaging

At RSNA 2012, Hitachi featured its Echelon Oval 1.5T MRI system, which features the widest bore on the market at 74 cm ...

Time December 20, 2012

New software by Riverain Technologies that improves the visual clarity of conventional chest X-ray images and increases radiologists’ efficiency by reducing the time it takes to accurately confirm the proper placement of lifesaving feeding, drug-delivery and pain management tubes and lines has received CE Mark approval.

Time December 20, 2012

Agfa HealthCare announced participation in the EMC Select program, enabling customers to purchase Agfa HealthCare's industry-leading ICIS solution through EMC Select. With the growing need to provide enterprise-wide access to all images, regardless of where created or stored, healthcare organizations can now leverage Agfa HealthCare's enterprise imaging and clinical workflow solutions with EMC Atmos, EMC Isilon, EMC VNX and EMC VMAX arrays.

Time December 20, 2012

December 20, 2012 — At the 98th annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), Royal Philips Electronics continued the Imaging 2.0 journey by showcasing several new features for existing image modalities that deliver clinical benefits to customers while simultaneously answering the economic challenges clinicians face worldwide.

Time December 20, 2012

In Sweden, 70,000 fractures are caused by osteoporosis every year. It is one of the most expensive diseases and is estimated to cost society about SEK 4.6 billion annually. Today, osteoporosis can be diagnosed using a simple Swedish method and treated with inexpensive and effective medication. If all women over the age of 65 were examined in conjunction with their mammography examination, the progression of the disease could essentially be stopped. This would also

Time December 20, 2012

December 20, 2012 — At RSNA 2012 Siemens Healthcare displayed the Mammomat Inspiration Prime Edition, designed to be the first mammography system that lowers patient dose up to 30 percent without compromising image quality.

Time December 20, 2012

At RSNA 2012, InSightec Ltd. announced U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for the ExAblate magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) guided focused ultrasound for treatment of painful bone metastases in patients who are not candidates for or refuse to undergo radiation treatment.

Time December 19, 2012

Konica Minolta Medical Imaging introduces a revolutionary auto-stitching system for use with the Aero digital radiography (DR) flat panel detector. It delivers high image quality and excellent workflow. A moving slit detects the upper and lower edge of the field, determines the number of exposures, and then quickly and accurately moves the detector to capture the images. The exposure is ready in only five seconds. Compared to traditional computed radiography (CR)/DR stitching systems, Konica Minolta’s auto stitching process can dramatically reduce patient exam time and improve technologist workflow.

Time December 19, 2012

December 19, 2012 — Three studies presented at the 98th annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) in November reported that using bone suppression and computer-aided detection (CAD) software significantly improves the detection of lung nodules on chest X-ray images.

Time December 19, 2012

Five states now mandate physicians to inform women with dense breasts that mammography may be of limited value to them. These states — Connecticut, Virginia, Texas, California and New York — require physicians to advise patients that complementary imaging studies, such as ultrasound or MRI, may be needed, if dense fibroglandular tissues are likely to obscure the mammographic signs of cancer. Their laws, however, do not say specifically who should inform patients — the physician who interprets the mammogram or the physician who regularly attends the patient.

Time December 19, 2012
Videos | Cardiac Imaging

ITN and DAIC Editor Dave Fornell highlights the latest advancements that will impact cardiovascular imaging from the ...

Time December 18, 2012

Imaging Technology News (ITN) is seeking readers' nominations for the top cancer centers to watch in 2013, based on their use of technology in radiation oncology. Key factors to be considered include how new technologies are being used to help improve patient outcomes, increase efficiency, reduce costs, increase patient volume, or increase reimbursements/revenues.

Time December 18, 2012

December 18, 2012 — The addition of 3-D breast imaging, or tomosynthesis, to standard digital mammography significantly increases radiologists’ diagnostic accuracy while reducing false positive recall rates, according to the results of a multicenter study published in Radiology.

Time December 18, 2012

December 18, 2012 — ClearCanvas Inc. has rolled out integration between the ClearCanvas open source picture archiving and communication system (PACS) and workstation and the Tumor Imaging Metrics Core (TIMC) clinical trials system developed at Massachusetts General Hospital for use in managing clinical trials across multiple institutions.

Time December 18, 2012
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