News | Molecular Imaging

Canadian hospital William Osler Health System (Osler), based in Ontario, has awarded Siemens Healthcare a Managed Equipment Services (MES) contract worth €110 million (C$154 million). For a contract lifetime of 15 years, Siemens Healthcare will provide Osler’s three hospital sites with a comprehensive suite of management services and solutions for the majority of its medical imaging equipment. It is one of the company’s largest contract wins in North America to date and the first of this type in Canada.

Time June 26, 2015

When removing a tumor, neurosurgeons walk a tightrope as they try to take out as much of the cancer as possible while keeping crucial brain tissue intact — and visually distinguishing the two is often impossible. Now Johns Hopkins researchers report they have developed an imaging technology that could provide surgeons with a color-coded map of a patient's brain showing which areas are and are not cancer.

Time June 26, 2015
Feature | Contrast Media

New results in animals highlight a major safety concern regarding a class of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agents used in millions of patients annually, according to a new paper. The paper was published online by the journal Investigative Radiology, which is published by Wolters Kluwer.

Time June 26, 2015
Videos | Cardiovascular Ultrasound

DAIC Editor Dave Fornell shares his choices for the most innovative new echocardiography technologies and trends at the ...

Time June 26, 2015
Videos | Cardiovascular Ultrasound

Interview at the American Society of Echocardiography (ASE) annual meeting with Federico Asch, M.D., M.D., FACC, FASE ...

Time June 26, 2015

The United States Supreme Court voted to uphold the nationwide tax subsidies provided by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in a 6-3 ruling on Thursday in the case of King v. Burwell.

Time June 25, 2015

A group of passengers who thought they were going to die when their plane ran out of fuel over the Atlantic Ocean in August 2001 have had their brains scanned while recalling the terrifying moments to help science better understand trauma memories and how they are processed in the brain.

Time June 25, 2015

VuComp announced the successful completion of the development of structured reporting (SR) for computer-aided detection (CAD) marks for digital breast tomosynthesis images.

Time June 25, 2015

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an approval letter in may for the Planmed Verity CBCT (cone beam computed tomography) scanner’s MaxScan maxillofacial imaging option. Planmed Verity is designed for imaging of anatomies within upper and lower extremities, as well as the maxillofacial region. The system utilizes CBCT technology with a flat panel detector, which provides high-resolution volumetric images. It is a compact, stand-alone unit from which all stages of the imaging process can be performed. Planmed Verity’s MaxScan imaging option enables flexible CBCT imaging of the regions encompassing the jaw and face.

Time June 25, 2015

Governor Jack Markell has just signed Delaware's Breast Density Notification Act (SB 37) into law. Delaware becomes the 23rd state to enact such legislation. The law becomes effective 180 days after the Governor's signature.

Time June 25, 2015

A nationwide study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology identified current frequent barriers to cardio-oncology services in the United States. According to the study, many hospital training programs have no formal training or services in cardio-oncology, and a lack of national guidelines and funding also creates barriers.

Time June 24, 2015

PHS Technologies Group LLC, a division of PACSHealth LLC, announced that Radiology Partners, the largest hospital-based radiology group in the United States, will begin offering PHS’s DoseMonitor to monitor patient radiation exposure.

Time June 24, 2015
News | Molecular Imaging

Siemens' PETNET Solutions, a wholly owned subsidiary of Siemens Healthcare, announced it will provide clinical researchers in the greater New York City area with access to gallium-68-labeled prostate-specific membrane antigen (Ga-68 labeled PSMA). This investigational tracer is being studied for prostate cancer imaging using positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) in clinical trials throughout the world.

Time June 24, 2015

aycan announced the launch of their new mammography workstation optimized for use with Eizo monitors, including the new widescreen Eizo RX850. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 510(k)-cleared, Apple-based workstation also includes a new Quadrant Zoom feature and tomosynthesis support that provide improved diagnostic capability.

Time June 24, 2015

Most women with early-stage breast cancer will undergo imaging to determine if the cancer has metastasized, despite international guidelines that recommend against testing, found a study in Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ).

Time June 24, 2015
Feature | Lung Imaging

People who have nonsolid lung nodules can be safely monitored with annual low-dose computed tomography (CT) screening, according to a new study published online in the journal Radiology. Researchers said the findings could help spare patients from unnecessary surgery and additional imaging.

Time June 24, 2015

Texas Children's Hospital successfully separated Knatalye Hope and Adeline Faith Mata in late February, completing one of the most complex conjoined twins separations ever. The procedure took months of planning, and Toshiba's Aquilion ONE CT system played a crucial role in determining the feasibility of separating the twins and producing images that helped radiologists build detailed 3-D models of the organs.

Time June 24, 2015

An annual exam using a key imaging technology could spare patients with lung nodules from unnecessary tests and surgery, while identifying the cases where the nodules are likely to become cancerous, according to a new study by researchers at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (ISMMS) and published online in the journal Radiology.

Time June 24, 2015

Ten weeks of intensive reading intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder was enough to strengthen the activity of loosely connected areas of their brains that work together to comprehend reading, University of Alabama at Birmingham researchers have found. At the same time, the reading comprehension of those 13 children, whose average age was 10.9 years, also improved.

Time June 24, 2015

On June 19 the Development Center for X-Ray Technology, part of the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS, presented exclusive computer tomography images of a Tyrannosaurus rex, which the Naturalis Bio-diversity Center in the Netherlands describes as one of the best preserved T. rex finds of all time.

Time June 24, 2015
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