Providing a full suite of advanced 3D analysis tools, Ziostation is based on thin-client…
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Barco's Coronis Fusion 6MP DL is a PACS display system designed to further enhance flexibility…
Candelis' new ImageGrid Advanced Radiology Web Viewer features Multi-Planar Reformatting (MPR)…
Candelis's iMed-Stor 300 is a dedicated DICOM-compliant archive appliance engineered…
Candelis' complete series of advanced monochrome and color displays ranges from 1 megapixel (MP…
Candelis' ImageGrid Integrated Radiology and Mammography Workstation is a “5-headed,” thin-…
Candelis will demonstrate the iMed-Stor 300, a dedicated DICOM-compliant archive appliance…
Double Black Imaging's new WIDE P-Series line of LCDs with X-CAL Calibration Software consists…
AMICAS offers a return on investment image and information management solution suite, which not…
Avreo's new mammography solutions - the interWORKS Mammography Viewer and Breast Imaging…
Intuitive Imaging Informatics offers two new functionalities: Mammography on Rational Imaging…
Version 6.0, the next generation of AMICAS PACS, includes an enhanced viewing environment…
The GE Innova cardiovascular X-ray system will soon be aided by the new Innova Dose, Innova 3D…
Virtual Radiologic's new product for radiology groups is vRadSM Enterprise Connect.
iCRco’s PaxBox, one of the highlights at RSNA 2008, is changing the management, deployment and…
ICRco's iCR2600 Dual computed radiography system and film scanner has been designed to be used…
The iCR3600LF by iCRco is a large format CR scanner that has been designed to be used in general…
Release 8.2 software for DR Systems' Unity RIS/PACS platform features expanded applications on…
Carestream's new Web-based RIS employs Microsoft Windows' .net framework to offer tremendous…
The new PACS (shown as work in progress at RSNA 2008) will deliver significantly enhanced…