Vital Images Inc. launched “VNA on demand” to the global marketplace. The company’s vendor neutral archive (VNA) on demand solution will be one of several solutions featured at the 2016 Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) annual meeting, Feb. 29 – March 4, 2016 in Las Vegas.

ViosWorks, GE Healthcare’s new 7D Flow CMR study that can be completed in 10-20 minutes without breath-holds, could benefit the healthcare system as a whole through a direct reduction in imaging costs due to shorter scan times as well as savings from delivery of appropriate therapies.

See how SilentScan, GE’s sound reduction technology that reduces scan noise to within 3 decibels of ambient room noise, is used by a facility that images a significant volume of pediatric patients to boost confidence in report findings and improve image quality.

Learning a second language is easier for some adults than others, and innate differences in how the various parts of the brain "talk" to one another may help explain why. These findings come from a study published January 20 in the Journal of Neuroscience.

The ASRT Foundation’s 30th anniversary celebration campaign reached a major milestone in January with more than $2.5 million raised in commitments from individuals and organizations. The funds donated for this campaign will be used to ensure medical imaging and radiation therapy professionals attain the level of education, leadership and influence required to meet the needs of patients for many years to come.

St. Jude Medical Inc. announced the launch of the company’s Optis Mobile System in Japan and Europe. The diagnostic system is designed to couple state-of-the-art optical coherence tomography (OCT) and angiography co-registration with fractional flow reserve (FFR) technology into one portable system for hospitals with multiple catheterization labs.

ITN Contributing Editor, Greg Freiherr, provides a video overview of MRI advances showcased at RSNA 2015.
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