MR Solutions’ 9.4T cryogen-free magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system is designed for preclinical applications. The cryogen-free (“dry”) magnet system provides high-resolution imaging within a compact footprint.

Fourth Annual Course on Proton Therapy

ACR-RBMA Practice Leaders Forum

Kubtec announced that it has developed a unique solution to a potential problem faced by operating room (OR) staff when treating patients for breast cancer. Automatic Specimen Alert (ASA), now available on the Mozart System, Kubtec’s intraoperative 3-D tomosynthesis system, eliminates the possibility that OR professionals may forget to remove the excised specimen from the system once imaging is complete.

Merit Medical Systems Inc. will partner with internationally renowned interventional cardiologist Ferdinand Kiemeneij, M.D., Ph.D., to deliver the next generation in educational opportunities for interventional cardiologists and interventional radiologists.

Central Minnesota residents now have access to advanced computed tomography (CT) technology that is safe and fast at St. Cloud Hospital with the installation of the Aquilion One/Genesis Edition from Toshiba Medical, a Canon Group company. The system is located across a hallway from the emergency department and is being used for a wide range of exams, including neuro perfusion studies.

The Medical Device Innovation, Safety and Security Consortium (MDISS) recently launched the first of more than a dozen planned device security testing labs and cyber-ranges. The new MDISS World Health Information Security Testing Lab (WHISTL) facilities will comprise a federated network of medical device security testing labs, independently owned and operated by MDISS-member organizations including healthcare delivery organizations, medical device manufacturers, universities and technology companies. Each WHISTL facility will launch and operate under a shared set of standard operating procedures. The goal is to help organizations work together to more effectively address the public health challenges arising from cybersecurity issues emergent in complex, multi-vendor networks of medical devices.

2018 Multidisciplinary Head and Neck Cancers Symposium

This is a practical and clinically relevant meeting for the entire head and neck cancer community that provides the most up-to-date information on multidisciplinary therapies, the latest clinical research, new treatment strategies, supportive care, scientific breakthroughs and toxicity mitigation.

Highlights include:

Insightec announced recently that worldwide adoption of magnetic resonance (MR)-guided focused ultrasound continues to gain momentum as Exablate Neuro patient treatment numbers surpass the 1,000 mark. Medical facilities are ramping up their MR-guided focused ultrasound service and essential tremor patients are now being treated on a weekly basis at many sites, according to the company.

A new UCLA study is the first to identify patient and tumor characteristics that predict the successful creation of models and which types of sarcomas are most likely to grow as xenografts. The research, which is the first and largest patient-derived orthopedic xenograft (PDOX) study in sarcoma, gives physician-scientists a much-needed roadmap for personalizing therapies for the disease without placing patients at risk for treatment-related complications or ineffective therapy.

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