July 28, 2020 — A study published in The Lancet Digital Health by UPMC and University of Pittsburgh researchers demonstrates the highest accuracy to date in recognizing and characterizing prostate cancer using an artificial intelligence (AI) program. The AI technology used in the study is from of

There has been tremendous growth in the field of cardiovascular computed tomography (CT) in the past two decades, with more than 44,000 papers published since 2000. In the past year alone, there have been about 4,100 papers on cardiac CT. Below is the list of the top 9 most influential papers based on the impact on cardiology practice.

SBI/ACR Breast Imaging Symposium

July 26, 2020 —  Zebra Medical Vision announced its sixth FDA 510(k) clearance for its mammography solution, HealthMammo, which has already received a CE mark. Zebra Medical’s algorithm empowers breast radiologists by prioritizing and identifying suspicious mammograms, providing a safety net for radiologists. The suspicious mammograms are identified faster and read earlier than the current “first-in first-out” standard of care. 

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