April 30, 2021 — In almost 10 percent of myocardial infarctions, no obvious cause in the coronary artery can be found. Some of the patients are diagnosed with broken-heart syndrome, while others are left without a diagnosis.

April 30, 2021 — During the first wave of the corona pandemic, 36 percent fewer men were diagnosed with prostate cancer in Sweden than in previous years. On the other hand, the number of patients receiving curative treatment for prostate cancer was unaffected.

April 29, 2021 — Using ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to map the brains of people with Down syndrome (DS), researchers from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland Clinic, University Hospitals and other institutions detected subtle differences in the structure and function of the h

Neda Simeonova, Contributing Editor

Submitted by mtaschetta-millane on Thu, 04/29/2021 - 15:28

Technology advancements are changing consumers’ expectations, driving industries to adapt and evolve, and the healthcare industry is no exception. Healthcare providers are aggressively leveraging new technologies and exploring unique ways to deliver more effective care.

Ever so slowly, we are beginning to see some light at the end of the pandemic’s tunnel. Vaccines are now more easily available to anyone over the age of 16. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported on April 27 that more than 95 million people — about 29.1% of the population, or 96,747,454 Americans — have been fully vaccinated.

April 28, 2021 – DenseBreast-info.org (DB-I) announced the results of the study, “Effect of an educational intervention on women’s healthcare provider knowledge gaps about breast density, breast cancer risk, and screening.” Published in Menopause, the study identified important knowledge gaps about implications of

April 28, 2021 — An automated system that uses artificial intelligence (AI) is effective at detecting a common type of wrist fracture on X-rays, according to a study published in the journal Radiology: Artificial Intelligence. Researchers said the AI-derived algorithm could help speed diagnosis and allow earlier treatment.

April 28, 2021 — Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (LTHT) has successfully implemented Agfa HealthCare’s Enterprise Imaging (EI) solution, a unified platform complete with clinical tools, reporting and a workflow engine that will help the LTHT maximize its productivity and collaborate with neighboring Trusts.

In healthcare organizations, picture archiving communication systems, or PACS, have been the foundation of medical imaging. Typically, healthcare organizations have different PACS systems for different uses.

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