May 19 2022 — Recent disruptions in a pharmaceutical supply chain have impacted the global availability of GE Healthcare Omnipaque iohexol iodinated contrast media (ICM) for radiologic examinations.

May 19, 2022 — Robert L. Bard, M.D., an ITN editorial advisory board member, received one of the highest achievements of his career; the prestigious 35th Annual Ellis Island Medals of Honor.  Alongside a list of over 80 top American achievers, this historical ceremony which took place at the Ellis Island Great Hall celebrated inspiring Americans who are selflessly worked for the betterment of our country and its citizens. 

May 18, 2022 —According to ARRS’ American Journal of Roentgenology (AJR), to ensure that patients with emergent or life-threatening imaging indications can continue receiving care, radiology practice leaders need to quickly assess their contrast inventories, prioritize examination findings, and reduce overall

May 18, 2022 — Therapixel, a company leading the use of AI-based software for women’s health, announces it has released a new version of MammoScreen – 2D and 3D – capable of using prior mammograms into its analysis. By comparing a mammogram to the previous examinations, MammoScreen further improves its performances.

May 18, 2022 — RaySearch announced that the treatment control system RayCommand is in clinical use at the innovative center MedAustron in Wiener Neustadt in Austria.

Clinical scientists used machine learning (ML) models to explore de-identified electronic health record (EHR) data in the National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C), a National Institutes of Health-funded national clinical database, to help discern characteristics of people with long-COVID and factors that may help identify such patients using data from medical re

May 18 2022 — Older breast cancer survivors with cardiometabolic risk factors who restricted food intake to eight hours during the weekday, followed by 16 hours of fasting, lowered their risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) after a few weeks, according to a new research letter publishing in JACC: CardioOncolog

May 17, 2022 — Proscia, a leader in digital and computational pathology solutions, has introduced an automated quality control application that leverages artificial intelligence to improve quality and efficiency in data-driven drug development.

May 17, 2022 — Radiation oncologists will meet with congressional leaders and staff today to ask for their support of policies to bolster access and equity in cancer care. Today’s American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) Advocacy Day is the first to be held in-person since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

May 17, 2022 — Edgility, Inc. launched EdgeAi as healthcare's first operationally embedded AI with Explainability. EdgeAi exposes the internal mechanics of machine learning and deep learning systems in human-understandable terms. Trust in AI model predictions is paramount if care providers and administrators are to accept the decisions based on them. EdgeAi generates a standard label for transparency of the prediction model, leading to better AI adoption and openbox development.

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