April 11, 2023 — The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a proposed rule for inpatient and long-term care hospitals that builds on the Biden-Harris Administration’s key priorities to advance health equity and support underserved communities.

April 10, 2023 — Samsung Medical Center (SMC) is the first healthcare provider in the world to receive Stage 7 of the HIMSS digital imaging adoption model (DIAM) maturity model.

April 10, 2023 — The 2022 HIMSS Healthcare Cybersecurity Survey results were recently published. The survey reflects the opinions of healthcare cybersecurity professionals that are responsible for either day-to-day operations or oversight of healthcare cybersecurity programs.

April 10, 2023 — The American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) issued the following statement from Geraldine M.

April 6, 2023 — The neonatology team at Bonn University Hospital (UKB) has conducted the world's first study of children receiving ECMO therapy using the mobile magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The procedure, known as extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), involves oxygenating the blood outside the body. The findings of the successful, innovative study of the first four pediatric ECMO patients using the mobile MRI has now been published in the prestigious journal Critical Care. 

April 5, 2023 — Researchers who surveyed women attending breast cancer screening appointments found that one in five is likely to skip additional testing after an abnormal finding on their mammogram if there is a deductible or co-payment, according to an editorial published in 

April 5, 2023 — RaySearch Laboratories AB announced that the number of clinics in the world that have bought RayStation for treatment planning for ions (for example protons, carbon ions and helium ions) has surpassed 100. The latest of these customers is Moffitt Cancer Center in Florida, USA, who will add proton planning to their existing RayStation infrastructure, which has been in clinical use since 2019. 

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