Slice v 3D: Patients and surgeons at Hoag Memorial Hospital are looking at virtual reality reconstructions (right) over conventional 2D images. Images courtesy of Hoag Memorial Hospital
Here is the list of the most popular articles and videos on the Imaging Technology News (ITN) magazine website from the month of February 2019. This is based on website analytics of the month’s 205,192 pageviews:
1. Virtual Reality Boosts Revenues and Patient Understanding
2. 5 Key Trends in New Ultrasound Technology
3. MRI and Computer Modeling Reveals How Wrist Bones Move
4. Stereotactic Radiotherapy Improves Long-Term Survival in Stage-IV Cancers
5. Congress Directs FDA to Establish Federal Breast Density Inform Standard
6. Siemens Healthineers Demonstrates Artificial Intelligence, Healthcare Digitalization at HIMSS19
7. Philips Launches Epiq Elite Ultrasound Series
8. Study Assesses Risk of MRI Exams for Patients With Tattoos
9. 360 View of the Gantry Room at the Northwestern Medicine Chicago Proton Center
10. New Pathology Guideline Advances Accuracy in Breast Cancer Testing