October 13, 2010 — The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given 510(k) marketing clearance for the new RAD II kilovoltage (KV) imager for image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT). The RAD II KV imager can be mounted on virtually any model of linear accelerator.
The new KV imager, which is driven by TheraView software, provides high-quality X-ray images for maximum clinical efficiency and resolution. It is a product evolution of the legacy MV (mega-voltage) imaging product line. It seamlessly integrates with existing TheraView electronic portal imaging devices (EPIDs), as well as with linear accelerators that have other brands.
TheraView imaging systems are manufactured by Cablon Medical BV in The Netherlands, and the RAD II KV imager is manufactured by Acceletronics Digital Imaging LLC. in the United States. The TheraView KV imager is distributed and serviced by Acceletronics Inc., Radiology Oncology Systems (ROS) and Cablon.
For more information: www.theraviewusa.com