July 16, 2009 - On Tuesday, July 15, the three jurisdictional committees charged with drafting healthcare reform legislation introduced the America’s Affordable Health Choices Act.
The American College of Radiology (ACR) is currently reviewing the 1,018 page document for further details, but has determined that the bill proposes to increase the practice expense units for imaging services to reflect a presumed equipment utilization rate of 75 percent — up from the current 50 percent. The utilization rate increase excludes low-tech imaging such as ultrasound, X-rays and EKGs from this adjustment. In addition to the utilization rate increase, the legislative language also increases the technical component discount on single session imaging studies on contiguous body parts from 25 percent to 50 percent.
ACR said it will continue to work with congressional members and staff "to reduce these significant and arbitrary cuts to imaging throughout the legislative process."
The College asks members to check their e-mail and the ACR website for updated information and future requests to contact your lawmakers.
For more information: www.acr.org