June 1, 2007 – The Cancer Centers of Excellence (CCE), a new national network of oncologists made up of a group of 224 physicians representing 21 practices in the U.S announced that it has launched with the goal of bringing together community-based oncologists to improve the care of cancer patients by aiming to provide high-quality, cost-effective, best-in-class care for cancer patients.
Doctors have joined together to take charge of healthcare and address the skyrocketing costs of cancer care, shrinking reimbursement and increased demands being placed on physicians. CCE is one of the largest physician-focused oncology services company in the U.S. The belief behind CCE is that there is a fundamental need for physicians to drive the process and work together to solve these problems.
CCE will begin implementing evidence-based protocols and migrate to a shared technology platform as to measure the quality of treatments provided.
CCE believes that practices today need to utilize the best technology, as well as the best drugs, to improve care and control costs. With that in mind, CCE has contracted with OTN to provide its Lynx Technologies to CCE members. This shared technology platform will allow CCE’s members to collect and evaluate clinical data and determine if quality parameters have been met.