Mammography Reporting System (MRS) will showcase its two newly-released beta software products that reportedly create cutting edge scheduling solutions and instant internet communications with breast procedure patients.
The MRS Scheduling Matrix and Resource Tracker, or SmaRT, schedules staff, patients, equipment and rooms.
For example, when a staff member is trying to schedule a patient for a follow-up ultrasound, he or she can simply schedule the procedure and SMaRT will coordinate technologist or radiologist availability, open rooms and every piece of equipment. If the first time doesn’t work for a patient, SMaRT will search the matrix and for the next available time where the required resources align.
MRS Secured Access is designed to enable clinicians to put patient results on the Internet securely in fully HIPPA compliant. This technology improves on existing email patient communication since Secured Access is Web-based with a registration procedure and monitoring system.
Secured Access aims to gives patients peace of mind by allowing them to see the results as soon as they’re posted. Those results are secured with passwords and security questions. Once patients access the site, you can monitor their usage and track when their letter is opened. The system also alerts appropriate staff if the patient doesn’t view their letter online.
May 2008