July 9, 2008 - The new Visions for Cancer Recovery DVD was created by a Minneapolis nurse and two-time cancer survivor and is intended to provide patients with 20 minutes of rest, relaxation and visualization, as well as a sense of hope and empowerment.

The most powerful aspect of the DVD is visualization of “apoptosis,” the rarely viewed process in which the body's healthy cells attack cancer cells, said the DVD’s creator, Mary Hallman.

The Mayo Clinic offers free viewing of Visions for Cancer Recovery on its 2,400 video-on-demand units installed throughout the inpatient and outpatient practices in Rochester, MN; 200 in Jacksonville, FL; and 150 in Mayo's Phoenix, AZ hospital.

Hallman developed the concept for Visions for Cancer Recovery while practicing her own deep breathing, relaxation and visualization techniques during treatments for a rare fallopian tube cancer.

For more information: www.integralvisioins.com

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