Jan. 4, 2007 - VIASYS Respiratory Care, a subsidiary of VIASYS Healthcare Inc. has again won the American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC) Zenith Award. The Zenith Award, AARC's top industry recognition award for respiratory care product and service providers, was presented at its 52nd Annual International Respiratory Congress in Las Vegas, Nevada on Monday, December 11, 2006.

"We are extremely honored to be recognized by the AARC with the Zenith Award for the fifth time," stated Randy Thurman, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of VIASYS Healthcare Inc. During the awards ceremony Mr. Thurman pledged VIASYS' continued support for the AARC and the dedicated respiratory therapists throughout the world.

The AARC established the Zenith Award program in 1989 to honor respiratory care product and service providers for exemplary service. Members of the AARC, greater than 35,000, choose the recipients in a special election. Candidates are judged using a number of criteria, including: the quality of delivered goods; the accessibility and clinical helpfulness of the sales force; the responsiveness and service record; of the service group; and the overall support provided by the company to respiratory care professionals.

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