The new Fujifilm Unity SpeedSuite is a U-Arm DR system designed with motorized, multiposition single-detector flexibility. It is a reportedly cost-effective DR solution that is capable of performing both table-based and upright procedures. The system includes Fujifilm’s intuitive IIP workstation. The Unity SpeedSuite requires FDA clearance and is not currently available in the U.S.
Other features include a wireless handheld remote for the technologist’s convenience, and site-customizable settings so facilities can program the exams that they perform most. As with all FDR systems, it also includes Fujifilm’s intuitive IIP technologist workstation that reportedly helps speed workflow with its ease-of-use, while increasing diagnostic confidence by providing Fujifilm’s image processing tools.
Unity SpeedSuite also includes SpeedLink X-ray Control Software, an interface between the IIP and the X-ray generator. By automatically setting all exposure settings for each exam according to Fujifilm’s proven anatomical parameters, SpeedLink eliminates workflow steps.