September 16, 2008 - TOPEX Inc. has expanded its distribution agreement with Therapy Remarketing Group (TRG), for sales and support of its superficial radiotherapy system, the SRT 100, designed for the treatment of non-melanoma skin cancer.

"My patients are quite pleased as well as the referring physicians," said Robert Hesselgesser, M.D., of Westlake Village, a California medical treatment center. "My experience with the TOPEX system has been very gratifying to say the least. It is easy, reliable and efficient in its operation. Superficial has better dosimetry for smaller and hard to reach areas such as the creases around the nose, eyes, and ears and provides an alternative to surgery. I love the clinical and cosmetic results treating patients with the superficial system."

The SRT 100 system provides an alternative to surgery for treating basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas. The superficial unit reportedly works well for primary lesions requiring difficult or extensive surgery with sensitive structures in the head and neck regions - the fold in the nose, eyelids, lips, the corner of the mouth and the lining of the ear that would otherwise lead to a poor cosmetic outcome. This treatment does not require the use of anesthetics and eliminates the need for skin grafting when surgery could result in a less than desirable outcome. This procedure also benefits those patients who have a fear of surgery or a needle phobia, for those patients who have contraindications for reconstructive surgery that are taking anti-coagulants and blood thinners and for those that cannot tolerate general anesthesia, said the company.

TOPEX will feature the SRT 100 at ASTRO 2008 this month.

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