December 4, 2007 – TeraRecon announced new workflow technologies, “Workflow Templates” and “Workflow Scenes” as part of the Aquarius iNtuition platform, identifying the nature of each examination received by the server, without relying on DICOM headers, then performing pre-processing steps using optimized algorithms selected for the anatomy being processed.
The results of this preprocessing are stored as ‘Scene’ files, permitting the new Aquarius iNtuition client software to present to the user a tailored ‘Workflow Template’ for each case, including a sequence of user-customizable steps, which can be tailored to match a physician’s individual reading style and preferences.
The Workflow Template can be followed to read the case, or in the case of a 3D Lab or technologist, to prepare it for physician interpretation. The complete package of any one user’s review of a case is stored in a single ‘Workflow Scene’ which can be accessed by the next person along the imaging pathway, including referring physicians and patients. The Aquarius iNtuition Client allows for integration of all TeraRecon’s PACS partners without any additional engineering requirement, since it shares a common application programming interface with the existing AquariusNET Thin Client software.
TeraRecon has also introduced a new clustering technology to enable multiple individual AquariusNET servers to behave as one large “virtual server”. This technology is deployable across multiple sites, allowing each hospital in a group to have a local server deployment while retaining access to images on servers in any other hospital in the system. It also allows advanced software license assets to be floated across the entire health system for optimum return on investment.
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