May 30, 2008 - St. Mary’s Medical Center in West Virginia has completed the implementation of Soarian, a health information management system from Siemens Healthcare.
The facility will use both Soarian Clinicals and Soarian Financials. St. Mary’s hopes to use Soarian to improve productivity and drive throughput, while making critical information available to authorized caregivers at all points of care.
Physicians and staff members will now be able to access several types of patient information via one software solution. Siemens said Soarian includes all of the medical information needed to take a patient from registration, to treatment and recovery. Once a patient is ready for discharge, Soarian Financials will enable improved accuracy related to billing.
“This is an important new tool for our clinical and medical staff,” said Libby Bosley, vice president of patient services at St. Mary’s. “Soarian allows our employees to get all the information they need about patients from one system. It has a series of checks and balances that takes St. Mary’s high standard of patient care even further.”
Implementing this new technology was a major project that took more than two years of planning among several departments at St. Mary’s, including hospital information services, organizational learning and development and St. Mary’s clinical staff. Employees received training for three months before they began using the system with real patients in the medical center.
“By focusing on the coordination of the processes surrounding the patient experience, Soarian reduces handoffs and promotes standardization for more measurable and predictable outcomes,” said Janet Dillione, chief executive officer, Health Services, Siemens Healthcare. “We are proud to support leading organizations such as St. Mary’s which are dedicated to providing the highest level of care for patients.”
St. Mary’s Medical Center is the largest medical facility in the tri-state region and is Cabell County, West Virginia’s largest private employer with over 2,440 employees. Housing 393 beds, St. Mary’s is the second-largest single healthcare facility in West Virginia.
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