August 3, 2007 — Precision Dynamics Corporation (PDC) recently announced the release of its color coded Alert Band Wristbands for patient safety.

Throughout the U.S., healthcare facilities have long used color-coded wristbands to signal important medical information. In fact, according to the 2005 Patient Safety Authority Survey of Pennsylvania Hospitals four out of five respondents’ facilities used color-coded patient wristbands.

However, the lack of consistency in wristband meanings and how they are applied presents problems when patients are transferred among facilities and when patients are cared for by clinicians in multiple hospitals.

According to manufacturer, Precision Dynamics’ color coded Alert Band wristbands greatly minimize the chance of error by providing pre-printed, large visible text/cues and an extensive range of vibrant colors that allow healthcare workers to immediately identify patient medical conditions. Each band is equipped with PDC’s patented SecurSnap closure for optimum patient comfort and safety.

While at this time there isn’t a national standard assigning specific color wristbands to specific alerts, individual states such as Arizona, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and others are adopting standards and PDC supports these and all patient safety initiatives. In support of these initiatives, PDC’s Color Coded Alert Bands provide maximum patient protection and comfort in one total wristband solution.

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