July 12, 2007 — Royal Philips Electronics announced an agreement with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to provide disaster recovery services that are dedicated to VA users with Philips iSite.

Managed and hosted by Philips, the VA disaster recovery services will provide automated backup of all Philips iSite Radiology image data.

According to the 18th Annual Healthcare Information Management and Systems Society (HIMSS) Leadership Survey, 35 percent of IT executives from healthcare provider organizations identified business continuity/disaster recovery as one of their organization’s top five IT priorities today.

As seen during the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, natural disasters can paralyze a hospital’s ability to provide quality care to patients in need. Whether it is a natural disaster or major power outage, it is important for hospitals to take precautionary measures to ensure that patient care can quickly resume following a time of crisis.

In the case of a total disaster where the iSite information at any VA site is lost, that institution’s entire radiology electronic image data set can be restored from the VA Disaster Recovery site, with an initial restoration designed to begin within 96 hours.

Moving forward, all additional VA centers that become Philips iSite customers will be using this disaster recovery option, intended to aid compliance with federal security standards.

iSite Picture Archiving and Communications System (PACS) is a reportedly proven, reliable solution for the efficient and timely delivery of medical images and reports to physicians throughout the hospital. Using iSyntax, Philips iSite PACS delivers medical images in less than three seconds throughout the hospital network. Its “pay-per-study” business model fits customer needs, where customers pay to view, distribute, and store medical images rather than buy a PACS system up front.

For more information: www.philips.com

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