July 2, 2007 — Nonin Medical, Inc. announced US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clearance of the LifeSense capnograph/pulse oximeter.

LifeSense combines capnography and pulse oximetry into one easy-to-use device. The portable device is expected to be an industry leader for Nonin, who has over 20 years of medical device success with innovations such as the Onyx fingertip and the Avant 4000 Bluetooth pulse oximeters.

Key features of LifeSense are its widescreen LCD display, portability and light weight. Nonin has made it easy for everyone to use the device even though capnography is a more complex technology. Like Nonin oximeters, the LifeSense capnograph comes equipped with Nonin's proprietary PureSAT technology. PureSAT enables accurate readings and rapid response time.

The LifeSense is intended for use in settings such as acute care, emergency medical services, intensive care units and during procedural sedation. Nonin also offers this capnography (EtCO2) technology to OEM (original equipment manufacturers) with the MaCO2 board.

For more information: www.nonin.com

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