April 24, 2007 - AADCO Medical Inc. has developed a new sterilized disposable surgical drape, X-drape, made from AADCO's proprietary non-leaded composite radiation absorbing material, "X-Ban"and works within the sterile field to significantly reduce dose from scatter radiation, up to 98 percent.

Radiation overexposure from the use of X-ray Fluoroscopy during diagnostic and interventional procedures is an occupational hazard for physicians and their staffs. Unlike patients who may have one or two of these procedures during their lifetime, occupational personnel like physicians, may do thousands of these cases during their careers and the radiation exposure they receive has a cumulative effect; that is, their radiation dose accumulates over time. The biological effect of this accumulating radiation dosage takes years to manifest itself, placing them at high risk for serious illness and disease later in life.

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