July 18, 2007 - Fraser Health recently announced that it has signed a three-year contract with Stryker Canada Inc. to supply surgical video equipment for operating rooms in Fraser Health’s acute care hospitals.

“This technology helps us to make surgical procedures more efficient which leads to shorter patients stays, faster recovery times and increased comfort for patients,” said Donna Brown, clinical product coordinator for this contract. “For example, patients who have their gallbladders removed using surgical video equipment usually go home within 24 hours of the operation compared to spending seven to 10 days in hospital after traditional operating procedures.”

Currently Fraser Health has a fleet of more than 60 surgical video systems and this contract allows hospitals with sufficient funding to replace aging units during the next three to five years. It is estimated that Fraser Health could save between $600,000 and $1.2 million in replacement costs. The money saved will be put back into a capital equipment fund to be used to fund future equipment purchases.

Other cost-saving contract terms include giving the health authority educational and technical training packages, upgraded maintenance programs, longer warranties and the option to trade-in old equipment.

For more information: www.fraserhealth.ca

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