July 6, 2009 – Standard Imaging, Inc. recently released RT Workspace Software, a workflow management solution designed by and for busy radiation therapy professionals.
RT Workspace is designed to fill a gap that record and verify systems do not offer by preventing communication breakdowns and keeping patients from falling through the cracks.
Today many radiation treatment facilities are dealing with increased workloads, larger facilities and geographically diverse satellite sites. Because of this, the traditional whiteboard communication tool does not offer the necessary efficiencies. RT Workspace overcomes this problem by computerizing the whiteboard and putting it at the fingertips of every clinician in the multi-step treatment planning process. By streamlining the communication process RT Workspace helps identify where process improvements will have the most effect, resulting in time and cost savings and better patient experiences.
RT Workspace also features innovative communications techniques such as electronic sticky notes and to-do lists, workflow analysis and reporting tools, and the ability to collect, analyze and store physics information such as monthly TG-40 linear accelerator QA data in a single easily accessed secure database.
For more information: www.standardimaging.com