August 3, 2007 – The American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology’s (ASTRO) new brochure, Radiation Therapy for Lymphoma, is a short treatment guide to assist people coping with Hodgkin’s and nonHodgkin’s lymphoma, and outlines the major differences between the diseases, explains radiation therapy’s role in treatment and what patients can expect before, during and after radiation therapy.

“A cancer diagnosis can be very frightening and confusing for patients and their families, especially with such a diverse disease like lymphoma,” said Thomas Eichler, M.D., Chair of ASTRO’s Communications Committee and a radiation oncologist at the Thomas Johns Cancer Center in Richmond, Va. “It is our hope that this brochure will guide patients with lymphoma through the various treatment options available to them, including the role of radiation therapy, in order to make an informed decision on their care.”

For a free sample copy of the brochure, write to [email protected].

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