February 15, 2008 - B. Braun Medical Inc. will highlight its DoseTrac Infusion Management Software as well as its Outlook Safety Infusion System during HIMSS 2008.

The DoseTrac Infusion Management Software provides hospitals with the ability to monitor, trend, report, and manage the IV administration process, making it available to both end users and other hospital information management systems. The maker says it is a server application that collects and stores wireless infusion information in a database, using real-time wireless information transmitted from the Outlook 300 Safety Infusion System to multiple departments.

The architecture of the DoseTrac database allows for easy infusion data transfer to charting and other clinical applications. It also provides the ability to monitor infusion status without being at the bedside through Outlook Online, while Outlook Report Writer generates custom reports to evaluate the IV administration and safety process. The optional feature of Outlook Report Scheduler enables users to create report templates for automatic delivery to specified e-mail addresses at set intervals, the company said.

According to adverse drug event statistics gathered by B. Braun, IV-related errors have the greatest potential to harm patients, and 35 percent of all medication errors that result in significant harm are the result of IV pump errors. To combat the major causes of IV pump medication errors, B. Braun Medical has developed the Outlook Safety Infusion System. Available in four levels of extendable technology, the company says Outlook enables hospitals to choose the level of medication safety to meet its needs and easily convert to other levels as their needs change. Its open architecture design allows it to interface with any hospital or pharmacy information management system.

The patient safety features of the Outlook Safety Infusion System include automatic IV pump programming to reduce manual programming errors; enables patient matching to help prevent wrong patient, wrong drug, wrong dose errors; reduces the risk of blood transfusion errors; bar coded user ID ensures an authorized clinician administers infusion therapy to prevent unauthorized tampering; provides set-based free-flow protection; decreases titration errors; dose rate calculator eliminates the need for manual calculations; and the use of DoseGuards with facility-determined dose limits.

The system with DoseGuard technology notifies clinicians if institution-defined dose limits are exceeded. Patient safety is also enhanced with DoseScan pump-based bar code technology featuring automated checks and balances that augment the manual procedures commonly in use. The Outlook 100 Safety Infusion System, a modular infusion device system, is designed to prevent manual programming errors by notifying clinicians if pre-programmed dose limits have been exceeded during manual programming and titration

For more information: www.bbraunusa.com

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