The CereTom is a compact, lightweight, portable, high-speed, battery and wall powered multislice CT scanner optimized for scanning anatomy that can be imaged in the 25cm field of view, primarily head and neck, according to its manufacturer.
The system, acquiring eight slices per revolution, reportedly combines portability with detail and provides effective and flexible CT imaging at the point of care. According to its manufacturer, it is optimized for use in operating rooms, emergency departments, radiology departments, intensive care units and more.
Also featured, the CereTom OTOscan is a reportedly compact, lightweight, high-speed, wall powered 8 slice CT scanner optimized for full head and neck scanning up to C5.
With state-of-the-art image detail, the CereTom OTOscan reportedly delivers effective, safe and flexible in-office CT imaging, according to NeuroLogica. The scanner delivers timely diagnosis and treatment planning in one appointment, reliving patient anxieties and saving time, the company says.