May 19, 2008 - The Nestle Research Center, Lausanne, Switzerland and GE Global Research are collaborating to scientifically assess associations between body composition, metabolic status, diet and lifestyle habits.

This relationship brings together the competencies of the Nestle Research Center, experts in metabolism, nutrition and health research, and GE's extensive knowledge in diagnostic technologies. The companies said a primary goal of the collaboration is to gain a deeper understanding of the connection between body composition, metabolic profile and health.

GE Healthcare's Lunar iDXA system, an imaging technology, will be used by Nestle scientists to measure subjects' body fat, muscle and bone mineral density, extending beyond the limited measures of body mass index (BMI) and waist-hip-ratio. Researchers will study the correlations between lifestyle habits, body composition measurements and metabolic data to better understand the biological drivers of individuals' metabolism and health.

"Through this collaboration with GE we have the opportunity to use cutting-edge diagnostic tools to increase our understanding of how nutrition and lifestyle choices impact body composition and metabolic health," said professor Peter van Bladeren, head of Nestle Science and Research. "With this knowledge, Nestle can continue to deliver science-based nutritional products to improve and enhance the quality of peoples' lives."

The results will provide direction for the development of non-invasive, rapid, precise and accurate assessment tools for clinicians to evaluate the impact of nutritional interventions on metabolic status and overall health. Additionally, this data will help researchers identify specific metabolic parameters that can potentially be improved via diet and lifestyle.

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