January 15, 2008 - Janssen-Cilag International NV announced today IONSYS (fentanyl iontophoretic transdermal system), a new needle-free system for the management of acute post-operative pain in a hospital setting, will become available in Germany, the U.K. and Ireland this week.

These countries represent the first markets to launch this product, and additional launches in other European countries are planned for the coming months.

As a patient activated system, the fentanyl iontophoretic transdermal system does not require needles, pumps, catheters or intravenous pump stands in the management of post-operative pain. Being needle-free, the company says this treatment eliminates the risk of needle-stick injuries and infection due to analgesic administration with intravenous patient controlled analgesia (IV PCA). This system has the potential to make the administration of post-operative pain management a less time consuming task for healthcare professionals and less intrusive for patients.

The fentanyl iontophoretic transdermal system is a compact, self-contained, preprogrammed system designed to simplify the delivery of post-operative pain relief for hospitalized patients. It is small and lightweight and has an adhesive backing that securely adheres to the patient’s upper outer arm or chest. After the patient presses a button on the system, IONSYS uses a virtually imperceptible low-intensity electrical field to rapidly transport fentanyl through the skin and into the bloodstream in a technologically advanced process called iontophoresis, the company said.

The European Commission granted marketing authorization for IONSYS throughout the EU based on the findings of a comprehensive clinical trial program.

For More information: www.janssen-cilag.com

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