November 21, 2007 – Masimo received a Frost & Sullivan 2007 Industry Best Practices Award, for pulse oximetry leadership, recognizing the company as the “number one” in the pulse oximetry industry.

Historically, the performance of conventional pulse oximetry, as well as its usefulness in a variety of clinical settings, has been plagued by interfering noise due to patient motion and low peripheral perfusion, which often results in false SpO2 readings and frequent alarms. Masimo’s Signal Extraction Technology (SET) eliminates the issues caused by motion artifact and low peripheral perfusion through proprietary signal processing algorithms and sensor technologies, said Frost & Sullivan analyst Mike Arani in his report. Leading clinicians around the world have put the efficacy and reliability of Masimo SET to the test in more than 100 independent and objective peer-reviewed studies that prove Masimo’s revolutionary Signal Extraction Technology outperforms all others, even under the most demanding of clinical conditions.

“These clinical trials have not only proved the performance superiority of Masimo SET, but time after time, they have also left a lasting impression on the participating clinicians,” the report said.

Also, according to the Frost & Sullivan report, Masimo’s strong brand recognition has even driven major patient monitoring companies with in-house proprietary SpO2 technologies to offer their multiparameter monitors with the choice of Masimo SET SpO2 module. Today, Masimo SET technology is widely integrated into more than 100 multiparameter monitors and more than 40 monitoring brands.

In selecting Masimo for the 2007 pulse oximetry brand development strategy leadership award, Frost & Sullivan’s analyst team tracked all the major participants in the pulse oximetry industry. The process included in-depth interviews with all market participants, customers and suppliers, along with extensive secondary and technology research to identify best practices within the industry. To determine the final ranking of competitors, Frost & Sullivan measured each on the basis of: development of unique brand strategies, competitor recognition and brand value, participation in industry trade groups, establishment of programs that allow the brand’s customers to grow, and increases in customer loyalty. As a result of this ranking, Masimo topped the list of industry competitors.

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