Machine Learning and IT Systems

Artificial intelligence in radiology
Radiologists want a bigger role in healthcare, one that allows them a say in patient management, ideally one that goes from diagnosis to therapy…
Diagnostic AI: By the People, of the People, for the People
Want to be a super expert in radiology? Join a swarm. A start-up company called Unanimous AI wants to use a computer algorithm to turn the individual…
Will Smart Medical Machines Take Us to the Eve of Destruction?
It looked bad a half century ago. Real bad. Police dogs lunged at protesters in Alabama; frightened Vietnamese children ran from napalm; a student…
Smart Scanners: Will AI Take the Controls?
Go back to the early 1990s and you’ll come across a brilliant, yet fatally flawed, idea. It was called “Evolving Images,” introduced by the Israeli…
machine intelligence
Machine learning is already more our lives than many people realize. Smart algorithms complete phrases and correct misspellings typed into Google’s…
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